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Developed from Jin Shin Jyutsu
Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient therapeutic technique in which the hands are used to connect parts of the body and body energies. These body energies, as they become harmonized, can result in physiological and psychological healing.
This technique had fallen into obscurity until the early 1900s when Master Jiro Murai, from Japan, brought it back to life through his own experience with its healing abilities.
There are Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners throughout the United States and around the world. I have practiced it and benefited from it so I am presenting the exercises for you to experiment with and to benefit from.
- Place the fingers of our right hand on your Crown Chakra, and the fingers of your left hand on your Brow Chakra. Keep your fingers there until you can feel a pulse quite clearly in both places. This combination of points seems to induce calm and concentration, and to aid the intuition. The theory of Jin Shin Jyutsu indicates that it also helps against senility.
- Keep the fingers of your right hand on your Crown Chakra but place the fingers of your left hand on the tip of your nose. Keep them there until you can feel a clear pulse. This combination of points seems to harmonize the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna energy glows, keeping your actions, feelings and meditation in harmony. In Jin Shin Jyutzu theory, this combination of point harmonizes the surface energy streams of your body. Some Chakra theories indicate that the Ida and Pingala “nerves” end at the tip of the nose, while the Sushumna “nerve” ends at the Crown Chakra.
- Keep the fingers of your right hand on your Crown Chakra but move those of your left hand to your Throat Chakra. Again, keep them there until you can feel a clear pulse. This relaxes the Throat Chakra and harmonizes your thinking and feeling. Jin Shin Jyutsu theory says that these points balance out the rising and falling energy streams in your body.
- Keeping the fingers of your right hand on the Crown Chakra, move those of the left hand to your Heart Chakra. Keep them there until you can feel a clear pulse. This dissolves restlessness and hatred. This combination can be used to treat “sorrow of the Heart Chakra” that is the basis of the many psychosomatic illnesses that originate in internalized sorrow. Jin Shin Jyutsu theory says that this combination of points harmonizes the hormones and frees the emotions.
- The fingers of the right hand are now placed on your back at the base of the spine (I find this is easier to accomplish if you lie on your left side) and the fingers of your lefthand on the Spleen Chakra. Keep them there until you feel a clear pulse. This combination reduces fear. Jin Shin Jyutsu theory says that it can reduce even the slightest tension.
These exercises can be done in a sitting position, lying on your back, or standing. When you are finished, you should rest for a few minutes and listen to what your body is telling you. You may experience images as you do the exercises. These images may provide a clue to which Chakra(s) need extra attention.
According to one Chakra theory, there are two classes of psychosomatic illnesses ... one is to do with the sorrow of the Heart Chakra (4), the other with blocks in the Solar Plexus Chakra (3).
Be patient with yourself as you begin doing these exercises. It took me a number of attempts to calm my ever thinking restless mind to get into the rhythm of the exercises. Once I gained control and quieted my mind, I was able to greatly benefit from the exercises.
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