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The Aura is a subtle, intelligent, electro-magnetic energy that completely surrounds animate and inanimate entities and objects. Every entity, object or system has a different frequency that blends with the magnetism in its environment to construct its own electro-magnetic field.
The Aura functions as a blueprint (or pattern) and battery and gives impetus to the entity or object to grow, mature, maintain all structure or die. The blueprint is arranged and rearranged and the battery energy increased or decreased in accordance with the level of intelligence and awareness radiating from the entity. It acts as protection from other invisible radiation (as a shield in the Etheric World) and functions as a line of communication with plants,, animals and the Etheric World inhabitants.
The human Aura receives negative/feminine polarity from the Physical Body (conscious consciousness) and the positive/masculine polarity from the Soul-Mind (sub-conscious consciousness). It serves as a battery for the Physical Body's health and it houses the Chakras. It takes Prana from the air, assimilates it and distributes it through the Nervous System. The Aura can be affected by light, darkness, moon cycles, magnetic storms, sunspots and/or cosmic radiation.
The Aura consists of seven bands of color around the body. These colors are controlled by our thoughts and feelings and reveal the condition of our character, emotional nature, mental caliber, state of health and spiritual development. It is the expression the real man/woman, a manifestation of the state and degree of his/her sevenfold nature (Subtle Bodies). The seven bands of color, although each distinct in its own field, overlap each other.
Magnetic-Nerve-Fluid is an ethereal energy field that acts as tubes throughout the entire Nervous System to carry and blend:
- Cosmic energies that enter through the head
- SPIRIT taken through breathing and through the Chakra
- The Mental-Reflecting-Ether (an ethereal energy that extends from the MentalPlane to the Physical Body, taking pictures of everything the individual does during an incarnation)
- The bone marrow
- The chemicals of the glands
- The emotions and their degree of electricity
The Collective Aura is the energy field that hovers over a city, factory, forest, etc., that is the result of the combined mind activity of those who frequent the area.
The Etheric-Double Earth contains the blueprint of what is to happen on the planet Earth in the future, including its rotation, climatic conditions and civilizations in general. It is constructed from the energy emanating from the mind (mass consciousness) of mankind, throughout the ages,m, since the beginning of the Earth.
The Soul-Mind Aura is an electromagnetic force field surrounding the whole of an individual, emanating the different amps of electricity from the body. It functions as a pattern from which the human body is made, changing gradually as one's Soul-Mind evolves. It is the outer rim of the Etheric Double.
The Mental Aura consists of beams of colored energy surrounding the head of an individual portraying one's current health, emotional state and momentary thinking. These colors change their tone, hue, intensity and length constantly denoting changes in one's moods.
Kirlian Effect is an energy that forms a field of color that surrounds all things, animate and inanimate. While it is invisible to the naked eyes, high voltage cameras can photograph it. This energy field changes pattern, shape, density and size. The colors are predominantly aqua blue, indigo, pale yellow and pink. This field inter-penetrates the object or organism and extends out according to the shape and size of the organism or object.
Magnetic-Nerve-Fluid is an ethereal energy field that acts as tubes throughout the entire Nervous System to carry and blend:
- Cosmic energies that enter through the head
- SPIRIT taken through breathing and through the Chakra
- The Mental-Reflecting-Ether (an ethereal energy that extends from the Mental
Plane to the Physical Body, taking pictures of everything the individual does during an incarnation)
- The bone marrow
- The chemicals of the glands
- The emotions and their degree of electricity
Electro -Motive-Force: An individual has an invisible body of a finer electro-motive vibration which occupies the same space as the Physical Body and has its seat in the Lymphatics. It is the non-electric energy that is contacted in magnetic healing and converted to electrical energy to change the body's chemistry so the body can heal itself.
Click to Explore the Rainbow of Color that is Your Aura and what the colors mean.
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