The Unicorn's Dance of the Numbers
The Beginning
I became interested in Numerology in the early 1960s. The first book on numerology I read was “Your Days Are Numbered” written by Florence Campbell, published in 1931 (the year of my birth) and that book still resides in my bookcase. I researched Cheiro (Chaldean theory) and Pythagorus and the history of Numerology and became a believer. Although I took several classes over the years, for the most part I read and researched. The knowledge I gained about Numerology, (from so many different sources I cannot even remember them all), I am going to share with you here. There is nothing new under the sun and anything I share here has been garnered from years of study and I am still in the learning mode.
In 1983 and 1984 I taught a class on Numerology. I wrote a Student Handbook entitled “Numerology for Beginners” and the contents of that handbook are what I am going to share with you. In addition to the basic components, there are many little extras such as the number energy associated with your pet's name, social security number, home address, telephone number and more that are included.
Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers. It is one of the ancient studies in the science of energy or vibrations. It is used as a guidepost or blueprint of a person's strengths and weaknesses, obstacles to overcome, talents, inner needs and emotional reactions. It paints a picture that reveals all of the many, diverse parts of your personality that, when all are combined, create the “you” that you are and will/can become.
While numbers are tools they do not restrict or limit in any way. We all know that free will is a constant and that nothing is ever written in stone. They do, however, bring a clearer knowledge of why you are here. They indicate the obstacles you will encounter and also the talents and abilities you brought in with you that will be of assistance as you walk the path you have chosen to walk in this lifetime.
The word “mathematics” originated from the Greek “mathesia” (the learning). Its root “ma” (mother wisdom). Astrology originated in Babylon in 5th Century B.C. Where it was called “Babylonia Numbers”. Since number was the underlying principle of math, music and astrology, great importance was attached to it. The Science of Numbers was considered to be the origin of all things.
Although the exact origin of numerology is unknown, it is generally accepted, by most numerologists, that there is recorded history that indicates its birth in Egypt and Babylon. There is also evidence that numerology was used by the Chinese, Romans and Greeks.
Pythagoras...(570 B.C. To 490 B.C.): born in Syria, named in honor of Pythasis (Oracle of Delphi, prophetess of Apollo) who had told his parents (Minesarchus and Parthenis), of his coming birth and the importance of his life work which would be useful to all men throughout all time.
He came to believe:
- Physical manifestation must be preceded by mathematical conception.
- Nothing can exist without numbers.
- The Science of Numbers was considered to be the origin of all things.
It has been told that his search for knowledge and wisdom led him to many lands and into many different philosophies:
In the Temple of Melchizedek (Melchizedek translates to “King of Righteousness” or “King of Justice”) As a child there Pythagorus became known as “The Son of God” (It is said that Jesus of Nazareth, an Essene, studied in the same temple centuries later).
Rabbis taught him the sacred traditions of Moses.
In Egypt he studied with the Egyptian Priests. When Egypt was captured by Babylon he spent a number of years studying with the Chaldean Priests.
The priests of Thebes instructed him in the Mysteries of Isis. This doctrine teaches that divine power dwells within every man, that this divine power is in the form of a light they call “The Hidden Light” and that it is everyone's duty to bring out the best in others.
He was initiated into the Babylonian and Chaldean mysteries. It is thought that the Egyptians taught him geometry and the Chaldeans taught him astronomy.
In Phoenicia and Syria, he learned the mysteries of Adonis, originally the Egyptian Sun God. (The Phoenicians believed Adonis was responsible for the growth and maturing of flowers and fruits.) It is thought that the Phoenicians taught him arithmetic.
He learned from Greek Philosophers and he studied with Zoroaster who recognized two creative powers ... good and evil and the triumph of the good over evil. (Zoroaster also taught there is life after death.).
In Hindustan, he was instructed by Brahman priests, the only ones allowed to interpret the sacred Hindustani texts, the Vedas. There he became known as Yavancharya, the lonian teacher. The name is still preserved in the records of the Brahmans.
In Crotona (536 B.C.) a Greek speaking region in Southern Italy, he established a school that combined religious ritual with scientific study. This was the first university in history. It was here that he taught many esoteric subjects, one of which was the secrets of numbers. (According to Max Heindel, member of the Brothers of the Rosy Cross, some 600 years later, Jesus established five schools of mystery, based on the same principles, one of which was in Palestine.)
The information which has come down through the centuries regarding the teachings of Pythagoras has come by word of mouth and a few preserved manuscripts. Pythagoras was very secretive about his teachings.
We will use the Pythagorean system of numerology. (The Chaldean system does not assign the number 9 to anything because it was considered it to be a holy and sacred number.) It is very straightforward and easy to learn and work with. Pythagorus was one of the most controversial of Greek Philosophers and although he is considered by many to be the Father of Numerology, he was best known as a philosopher and a mystic who possessed much knowledge on the fate of the soul after death.
When Pythagoras was no longer considered to be an “initiate”, he continued to feel there was much to learn. He did not want to be considered a sage (one who knows) or sophist (wise) so he coined the word “philosopher” (philo”...love “sopho”...wisdom) Lover of wisdom. He continued studying his entire life.
So ... on down the path to the Dance of The Numbers. Find your Life Path and Expression, your Challenges and Karmic Lessons and let the energy of the numbers guide you to a more enlightened, successful and comfortable life.